B E Y O N D Z O R K -- Southland Of Quendor -- by Inskipp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { @ @ @@@} { @ @ @@ @@@@} { ruins @ @ @ @ @ @@@@} { {} @ @ @ {} @@@@} { @ } .{} { . @ @ {} {} @@@@@@} { @ @ bridge..: { { . @ {} {} @@@@@@@@} { @ @ * @ @ {} {} {} @@@@@@@@} { @ @ @* @ @ @ {} {} @@@@@@@@} { * @ @ @ @ @ : @@@@@@@} { .* ............. @ : village @@@@@@@@} { : : @ @ : @@@@@@@@} { : forest : .. @ @ @ : @@@@@@@@} { % % % : % % % % % . @ @ * @@@@@@@@} { % % % % : % % % % % :...... @* bridge @@@@@@@@} { % % % % % : % % % % % % :... * @ @@@@@@@@} { % % % % % : % % % % % % :...: @ @@@@@@@} { % % % % % %: % % % % % % forest :..... @ @ @@@@@@@@@} { % % % % % : % % % % % % % :... @@@@@@@@@@@@} { : :.. @@@@@@@@@@} { {} : {} {} :. @@@@@@@@@} { {} {} : {} {} light :. @@@@@@@} { {} {} {} : {} {} {} house . ..: @@@@@@} { {} {} : {} {} {} : @@@@@@@@@@@} { : village :@@@@@@@@@@@@} { : : @@@@@@@@@@@} { : :@@@@@{Sea}@@} { ...........:.........{} : @@@@@@{of}@@} { : : : @@@{Quendor}} { : : : @@@@@@@@@@@@} { :. {} @@@@@@@@@@@} { :............... {} {} @@@@@@@@@@} { : village {} @@@@@@@@} { % % % % % % % % % % : {} {} @@@@@@@@@} { % % % % % % % % % % % : {} @@@@@@@@@@@} { % % % % % % % % % % % : : @@@@@@@@@@@@} { jungle % % % % % % % % % % % % : : @@@@@@@@@@@@} { % % % % % % % % % % % % : : @@@@@@@@@@@@} { @%@% % %@% %@% % % % % % % : : @@@@@@@@@@} { @ % % @ @ % @ % @ @ % @ % % : {} @@@@@@@@@} { @ % % % % % % % % %@% %@% % :..... {} village @@@@@@@@} {}{}{}{} % @ % % :.. {} {} {} @@@@@@@@} {} {} jungle % %@%@% %@% {} @@@@@@@@@@@@} {} {} % @ % @ @ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@} {}{}{}{} @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@} {: castle @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@} {:... {} @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@} { :............ {} @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@} { {} {} @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@} { {} {} {} @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@} { @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@} { village @@@@@@@@@@@@@} { @@@@@@@@@@} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key: @ = water {} - village/castle/ruins % - vegitation : & . - footpaths This map was created before I got a chance to really get into the game, so it is not very complete. Please modify and reupload as you see fit. BEYOND ZORK Preface Having mapped the ZORK Trilogy, the ENCHANTER Trilogy and WISHBRINGER, you thought you had a pretty good map of the Zorkian landscape, huh? Wrong! You are about to discover miles and miles of new territory you never suspected was there. (And Infocom promises that the entire kingdom is not yet revealed!) You'll meet some old friends (and enemies) and make some new ones. But make no mistake, Peasant, you are about to undertake a totally new adventure. For those with a thirst for details: BEYOND ZORK takes place in the year 966 G.U.E. (concurrently with SORCERER). The place is the Great Underground Empire, now known as Quendor. As the Age of Magick draws to a close, the Guildmasters have placed the essence of their wisdom in the Coconut of Quendor, which is now being used as a volleyball by a group of demi-gods known as the Implementors. Because the knowledge in the Coconut is so dangerous, only a simple-minded mortal can be trusted to retrieve it. Before starting there are some explanations needed. The first thing you will notice is the different display. While some machines display the graphic map better than others, all versions have an on-screen map which shows the immediate area you are exploring. A word of warning: Make your own map! The on-screen map shows only a few rooms at a time, and you will need your own map to make navigating around this very extensive game easier. While the major features of the landscape are always in the same place, a large majority of the landscape is completely variable and will change every time you play the game. The locations of most of the items and even their uses are also variable. The only way to "fix" an object or location is to save a position after you have explored the area. Monster-bashing is also a matter of luck. You will sometimes be able to dispatch a monster on the first try even with very low statistics. On the other hand, you will sometimes get killed even when you have very high statistics, so SAVE OFTEN! This walkthru was done after playing Version 57 on the Amiga. (More about the importance of the Version later.) There isn't really one right way to do the game. Most of the puzzles can be solved in any order you wish. What I have attempted to do here is present the solutions in the most logical order. I have played this game through seven times using the same statistics and methods and it worked every time; so I feel safe in saying that if you follow this walkthru, you will be able to finish the game with the highest score possible. You may have to repeat some combat sequences several times in order to vanquish a particular monster, but if you persist, you will be victorious! As to statistics, I set my attributes as follows: Endurance: 10 Strength: 10 Dexterity: 16 Intelligence: 10 Compassion: 5 Luck: 15 Armor: 1 I used the club and no armor throughout the game until the endgame. INVENTORY The following items have no use in the game and can be sold in the Magick Shoppe as soon as they are found: Silver Ornament Sextant Crown Bubblegum Card Jewel Tusk Fireworks Scroll Mischief Scroll Forgetfulness Potion Death Potion There are many other items that can be sold after they are used, and all of the other items can be sold once they are no longer needed. Sell things as soon as you don't need them: Zorkmids take up practically no room in your pack. A word of caution: You can buy something back if you need it, but the old Woman is a pretty sharp cookie, and she'll charge you a lot more than she paid for it! And so it is simple-minded you, the Peasant, who awakens on a lonely hilltop with very little to your name but the determination to find and protect the Coconut. BEYOND ZORK Part 1 You find yourself at the top of a lonely hill with nothing to your name except a pack. This pack is NOT a "bottomless pit" so you're going to have to do some inventory management in this game. You can carry a few items in your hand, and the remainder of what you need should be kept in your pack. The Guildmasters are an impatient lot, so let's get going! From the hill go northwest and you should find yourself at a Billboard. Reading it will inform you that you are at the Edge of Storms and you can't go any further. If you've read your Lore and Legends book you should know about Spenseweed. You're bound to get hurt sometime, so GET WEED. Now go back to the hilltop and then east past the cove to the Wharf. EXAMINE PAINTING and you'll notice a piece of driftwood in the water. GET DRIFTWOOD. This will serve as your weapon for the rest of the game, so WIELD CLUB. (A weapon will be useless unless you WIELD it). Make your way west and south from the sailor and you'll find yourself outside a Pub. We all know that a good Adventurer needs a lantern so TAKE LANTERN and then OPEN DOOR and enter the Pub. Don't pay any attention to the things you see here, just keep going to the kitchen. Just as you're about to enter the kitchen, someone will throw a dagger at you. TAKE DAGGER and continue on your way. In the kitchen you'll discover a huge onion. OPEN DOOR to the cellar and go DOWN. At this point the cook will tell you that he'll give you the onion if you get him a bottle of wine. Simple! (he-he) It's a good idea to SAVE here because you're about to enter your first combat. In the cellar you're going to encounter a Rat-Ant, a Discipline Crab, and a not-quite-lifeless skeleton. You should be able to dispatch each of them in turn. The easiest method of fighting is to just use the F7 "Attack Monster" key. Watch your endurance and it might be smart to WAIT a turn or two after a successful battle, to build up your endurance again. You should also find a scroll down here. This is the only scroll you'll find that you can identify yourself. It is a REFRESH spell and will keep your lantern burning! READ SCROLL and just type the word you find on it. Now your lantern will last as long as you need it. When you have defeated the Discipline Crab, you'll find a Crown. Take it. When the skeleton is safely out of the way TAKE AMULET THEN WEAR IT. You won't be able to read the amulet yet. Somewhere down here you'll find a patch of moss on the wall. SQUEEZE MOSS and when you find the stack of wine crates, EXAMINE FINGERS. Your dexterity has just gone up and you're ready to tackle the stack of wine crates. Go up and you'll find the bottle of wine. GET WINE, down, and make your way back to the stairs. When you try to go back up, someone will slam the door in your face. Now LOOK AT AMULET THROUGH WINE and you'll discover another magic word. Be sure to write this word down for future reference, you can use it three times. Be sure you are standing on the stairs, then say the word you found on the Amulet. Your strength will be increased for one turn and you can SMASH DOOR. Go up, TURN OFF LANTERN, and give the wine to the cook. He will be so grateful that he'll give you the onion. You can't carry the onion, so every time you move you'll have to PUSH ONION XXXX (where "XXXX" is a direction). (You might want to define a function key to make this easier). On the way through the pub, TAKE RUG and head back north to the Cove. Somewhere to the northeast of the cove you should find a Ledge with an inscription carved on it. The answer to the riddle is LIGHTNING. Just type the word after reading the inscription and an opening will appear in the cliff. Don't go through the opening yet but leave the onion here. Somewhere close to the Ledge you should find the Tidal Flats with a patch of brine. GET BRINE and you will have some salt. Now go back to the Ledge. SAVE the game and enter the Lighthouse, taking the onion with you. The Lighthouse has many levels. You'll encounter a giant spider soon after entering. Dispatch him and keep exploring, picking up everything you find along the way. You'll also come across a Slug. THROW SALT ON SLUG and he'll be history! Next the Dust Bunny will appear. Since you, no doubt, forgot to bring the Lemon Pledge, we'll deal with him another way. DROP RUG THEN STAND ON IT. Now RUB FEET ON RUG THEN TOUCH DUST BUNNY. GET RING THEN WEAR IT. Leave the rug here and continue pushing the onion upward until you reach a room with a chest. Don't touch anything yet! Leave the onion here and drop the dagger. SAVE the game and make your way back down to the ledge. Now make your way south past the pub to the Moor's Edge. If you've read your Lore and Legends book, you know about the thieving Eldritch Vapor. So put everything in your pack and DROP PACK, keeping only your club. SAVE the game and begin exploring the moor. When you have defeated the Eldritch Vapor, you can return and get your pack. You will also have to defeat a guttersnipe in the Moor somewhere. After that, explore the area completely, picking up whatever scrolls and potions you find. You will also run into a wounded Pterodactyl. Don't bother with him right now, but you might want to name him to make things easier later on. I named mine Terry. (What imagination!) After you've collected everything from the Moor (and SAVE), continue east where you'll come to Mizniaport. Ignore the Boutique for now, but take the Private Way northeast then north to the Stable. There's a unicorn locked up here. Before rescuing it, KISS HORN for good luck. Then use the word from the Amulet to give you additional strength and SMASH STALL. Enter the stall, GET SADDLE and TAKE HORSESHOE on your way out. Go back to Mizniaport and follow the path northwest and north into the Market. Watch carefully along here, because somewhere here you will bump into someone who will drop something. GET CAKE THEN EAT IT and your Intelligence will go up. Continue north to the North Market and OPEN DOOR to the Magick Shoppe. This is probably the most important place in Quendor. The old woman, Y'Gael (remember her from WISHBRINGER?), can tell you about all the potions and scrolls and anything else you've found (except weapons.) ASK WOMAN ABOUT everything you've found so far. She will tell you what each scroll and potion does, and from then on you can refer to the scroll or potion by its name. As soon as you've identified each scroll, READ SCROLL and write down the word needed to use it. By the way, you must be holding a scroll to use it -- it can't be in your pack. Sell anything you don't need (see list at the beginning of this walkthru) and buy the rabbit's foot (then RUB IT) and any potions you don't have. You won't need Protection or Honing until the endgame; so if you have these drop them here, they'll be safe. If you have Recall, say the magic word here because you're going to want to come back here often! Drop the saddle here as well, you won't need it for a while. If you have Enlightenment or Might, drink them (be sure to SHAKE first). When you've finished all your transactions here SAVE the game. BEYOND ZORK Part 2 Now we're ready to explore a new and dangerous area. Leave the Magick Shoppe and follow the road to the north. You'll find one area which is the other Edge of Storms that you can't enter. You'll also find the Forest. In this area you'll encounter two very dangerous monsters: the Cruel Puppet and the Hellhound. You should be able to take care of the Puppet with your club in a couple of tries. The Hellhound is a little tougher. I managed to get rid of him with the club. But if you have Annihilation, you might want to use it. Annihilation will only work three times though, and you'll need it at least twice more. Explore the area fully taking everything that isn't nailed down. When you come to the Clearing, read the inscription on the boulder, then say "YOUTH." A Pool of Eternal Youth will appear. We'll come back to that later. Either use Recall or walk back to the Magick Shoppe and have Y'Gael identify all you've found. If you have Annihilation, you're ready to finish with the Lighthouse. If not, go to the section on the Jungle. If you're going back to the lighthouse, go back north and follow the path north and eastward past the Babbling Brook and Tidal Flats to the Lighthouse. Go back to the room with the Chest. READ CHEST and you'll see it says not to open it. What Adventurer ever paid attention to signs? GET KNIFE AND ANNIHILATION and OPEN CHEST. A Dornbeast will appear. All those eyes make him nearly invincible. So the first thing to do is CUT ONION and then, while his eyes are smarting AIM ANNIHILATION AT DORN. That should take care of him nicely. Now OPEN CHEST (you got distracted last time, remember?) and you'll find yourself transported to the Plane of TransInfinite Splendor. There's nothing to do here except WAIT while the Unicorn makes you aware of what a despicable thing a human being is. Just keep WAITing until you find yourself back in the Lighthouse. LOOK IN CHEST and you'll find a Palimpsest and a vague outline. The Palimpsest is the Scroll of Gating; write down the magic word from the scroll. Take them, stow them in your pack, and EXAMINE DEBRIS. You'll find a sextant, which is good to sell so take it. CLOSE CHEST THEN TAKE IT, and make your way back downstairs. From the Lighthouse go back to the Tidal Flats and then to Accardi-by-the-Sea, which should be northeast of there. Enter the Weapon Shop and SELL DAGGER. Then go back outside. You may have to go back and forth between Accardi and Outside the Guildhall a couple of times, but eventually a Monkey Grinder will show up. If you try to go into the Guild Hall, a warning nymph will tell you not to enter. When the Monkey Grinder shows up, the vicious monster will eventually kill the cute little nymph. After he does this, GIVE CHEST TO GRINDER. Your Lore and Legends tells you that the Grinder is illiterate. Not being able to read the warning, he'll open the chest and obliterate himself! TAKE ORGAN, enter the Guildhall, and take whatever you find there. Now use Recall or walk back to the Magick Shoppe to get your new possessions identified. SAVE. Now's a good time to use Gating. Say the word and you'll be transported to a new dimension. You will notice that you will see all the same locations you're familiar with, only on a different plane. The curtains you find are the curtains you couldn't get through in the various shops. These will allow you to enter the shops through the "back door" at a later time, but don't worry about them now. Keep wandering around until you are told that space has flexed itself into a vague outline which is stretched tight across your path. Hm...vague outline...sounds familiar. Look at your possessions, and you will discover that the vague outline you had has turned into a Phase Blade. CUT OUTLINE WITH BLADE and pass through. You are now in the presence of the Implementors. There's nothing to do here except WAIT for them to deal with you. One of them will eventually make a comment about something you mistyped previously. The object they are playing catch with is the Coconut of Quendor! Eventually they will drop it and it will roll right to your feet. This is IT! Your mission is OVER! You've accomplished your PURPOSE! Just GET COCONUT. Sorry; I lied. Before you can get it, the Ur-Grue will snatch it up. The Implementors will kindly let you volunteer to retrieve it, and to help you on your way they'll hand you a goblet "to keep the thunderbolts off your back." TAKE GOBLET and they'll dispatch you back to earth. In every game I played, I ended up back at the Edge of Storms by the Billboard. If you don't end up there, you'll have to find your way there from wherever they send you. With the goblet in your hand, you'll be able to enter with no trouble. In the Fields of Frotzen you'll find a clover and another scroll. Put them in your pack. You'll also discover one area you can't enter because of the Corbies. Ignore the area for now. Somewhere around here a butterfly will light on your goblet. It's stuck there, so don't worry about it. As you wander around you'll find three scarecrows, all wearing gray rags. Two of them are in dead fields, but the third is in a field of flourishing corn. When you find this one, you're in business. If you've played with the organ you've discovered some interesting things about it. Make sure the lid is closed then TURN DIAL TO EYE and then TURN CRANK. The scarecrow's gray rags will turn from gray to some other color. Write it down! Now WAIT until you see a farmhouse drop from the sky. Go find the farmhouse and ENTER it. Now simply WAIT until the farmhouse is picked up again and then hits the ground. While you're WAITing, you might want to OPEN LID and PUT GOBLET IN ORGAN then CLOSE LID. This will give you one less thing to carry. When the farmhouse lands. OPEN DOOR and leave the farmhouse. LOOK AT FLOWERS and one of them will turn into a lady who will start raving about a dead Boot. (I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!) Keep WAITing until the Mayor arrives, sends for the Cask, and tells you to choose a key. EXAMINE KEYS and pick the one that matches the color of the scarecrow's clothes. Now go back to the area where the Corbies blocked your way. With the Key, they'll let you pass. You'll find a rosebush there. EXAMINE BUSH and GET ROSE. Now make your way back to the west exit of the Fields and back to the Magick Shoppe to get things identified. You can sell the Vague Outline and anything else you don't need. Leave the Organ here and let's go explore the Jungle. Make your way to Mizniaport and then west to the entrance to the Skyway Entrance. You can't enter the Gondola until the conductor says "All Aboard." When he does just type IN and then WAIT. Keep WAITing as the gondola approaches a maintenance platform. When the car is "just a few feet from the top of a support tower," type down or exit. SAVE here. You will encounter a crocodile and a bloodworm somewhere around here. They should be easy to dispatch. Explore the area fully and pick up everything you find. When you come across the Hungus, ignore it for now. If you come across some hunters, ignore them and go back the way you came -- we'll deal with them later. When you find the Idol and explore it, you'll discover you have a weight and balance problem. You have to deal with the Hungus to solve this. But right now, let's go explore the church. When you find the Church, enter it and SIT IN PEW. You'll kick something under it, so LOOK UNDER PEW then GET VIAL. It's holy water, one of the few things that is constant. Listen to what the Cardinal has to say then leave. Head South and you'll soon be hit on the head by an ornament. TAKE IT. The Christmas Tree Monsters won't let you pass, so read your Lore and Legends. Aha! Now return to the Quicksand. You're going to help the poor baby, but right now we want that jewel. So, cruel as it sounds, HIT BABY WITH CLUB. This will infuriate the mother! Now start heading back toward the Idol, WAITing after each move for the mother to catch up. When you get to the idol go up and WAIT for the mother to start up. When she does, she will balance the system and you can GET JEWEL. Oops! You clumsy oaf! Now the Mother Hungus has eaten it and you've fallen in a dark hole! Well, not to worry. LIGHT LAMP and you'll see some more moss. SQUEEZE MOSS and EXAMINE FINGERS and your dexterity will go up again. Now use Recall to get out of here! (If you still haven't found Recall you could use Gating). BEYOND ZORK Part 3 Ask Y'Gael about your new possessions and sell what you don't need. Now that we know how to deal with the Christmas Tree monsters, let's use the organ again. We have a perfectly good Butterfly in there, the only problem is that it's too old! So TURN CRANK TO CLOCK and then TURN CRANK BACKWARDS. When you OPEN LID you should see that there is now a Caterpillar crawling around on the goblet. GET CATERPILLAR THEN PUT IT IN PACK. GET GOBLET THEN LICK IT and watch what happens! Now you can sell the goblet and organ to Y'Gael. To lighten your load you can DROP LANTERN here. You'll need Sayonara, Dispel, Levitation and Eversion before going back to the jungle. If you don't have them you haven't explored fully. Go back to the jungle the way you did before and make your way back to the Christmas Tree Monsters. GET CATERPILLAR and they'll let you pass. Continue on the path and you'll find a house with a mailbox in front of it. OPEN MAILBOX. GET LEAFLET. READ LEAFLET. It will turn into a parcel. OPEN PARCEL and look at your inventory and you'll have a burin. (For those of you who didn't do the ENCHANTER Trilogy, that's a device for inscribing glyphs on almost anything.) Enter the house and you'll find a book. READ BOOK and you'll learn that the writer was having trouble controlling the Christmas Tree Monsters and trouble with a non-dormant mountain. (By the way, "Yonked a Girgol" means he made the spell to freeze things more powerful.) TAKE BOOK AND HEMISPHERE and put them in your pack. Now back outside and west. Here you'll come across a Snow Wight (Argh!). The only way to deal with him is send him somewhere else, so AIM SAYONARA AT WIGHT and he'll be gone forever! Continue west to the peak and take a look at the dome. The dome over the mountain is keeping it from erupting, but that's just what we want it to do! AIM DISPEL AT DOME and then waste no time getting back to Thriff. When you reach there, your curiosity will be aroused, so go back south. You'll find the Lava cooling here, so it's time to take care of the Christmas Trees permanently! INSCRIBE GLYPH IN LAVA. The Cardinal and all the townspeople will show up, and when you ASK CARDINAL FOR RELIQUARY he'll reluctantly give it to you as a reward. Head back to the Quicksand now. When you reach the mother, with the jewel inside her, AIM EVERSION AT MOTHER. GET JEWEL and then AIM LEVITATION AT BABY. Your compassion will go up. Now head back to where you found the hunters. (North and West of Thriff). When you reach the Mountain Pasture you'll soon see a cute little Minx come rushing by you to hide behind the tree. HIDE TRACKS so the hunters can't find her and your compassion will go up again. When the hunter shows up, just WAIT while he babbles on and then leaves. After he's gone, EXAMINE TREE, then WAIT and the Minx will dig up a truffle. GET TRUFFLE then GIVE TRUFFLE TO MINX and she'll be yours for life. GET MINX then use Recall. You can sell Eversion, Levitation, Dispel and Sayonara now. You can also sell the burin. OPEN RELIQUARY then GET WHITE HEMISPHERE. You can sell the Reliquary. Now DROP WHITE HEMISPHERE AND BLACK HEMISPHERE. BUY HOURGLASS. The Minx will only stay in your arms for one or two moves, but she'll follow you everywhere. GET SADDLE and make sure you have Anesthesia. Head back through the forest to the Hilltop where it all started. EXAMINE TREE and WAIT and soon the Minx will dig up another truffle. TAKE TRUFFLE and head back to the Forest. When you get to the Clearing, ENTER POOL. The truffle will be preserved. PUT TRUFFLE IN PACK or the Minx will get it. Now GET MINX (it sometimes has trouble getting out of the pool by itself) and head back to the Moor where you saw the Pterodactyl. When you find it, AIM ANESTHESIA AT TERRY. When it falls asleep, GET ARROW then RUB WEED ON WOUND. Before he wakes up, GET WHISTLE THEN WEAR IT. This is how you can call him, but only three times. Now PUT SADDLE ON TERRY. GET MINX. GET ON TERRY. Then UP. This is where you'll need your map that came in the package. From where you are, use the symbols on the map to fly Terry to the Castle. If Terry encounters strong winds, POINT ROSE in the opposite direction you want to fly. When you are Over The Castle, type DOWN. You'll find yourself in a garden, near a Morgia Bush. HIDE IN BUSH. If you've read your Lore and Legends you'll know that this bush has some amazing properties. GET ROOT THEN EAT IT and your strength will go up. Now DROP ROOT and WAIT. Keep WAITING and soon a Platypus will show up, open a secret compartment, and get a jar. Watch what she does so you'll know how to use it. When she disappears in a cloud of anger, LEAVE BUSH, OPEN COMPARTMENT, GET JAR. Now BLOW WHISTLE. When Terry shows, up GET MINX THEN GET ON TERRY, and UP. Using the map and the rose, again head to the Ruins which are across the endless bridge. When you are Over Ruins, SAVE the game and then go DOWN. You want to SAVE before you land because you may be met by a monster immediately. If not, start exploring, get the spade and anything else you find. When you encounter the Ghoul, you may be able to dispatch him with your club. If you're having trouble, you might want to just zap him with Annihilation. Almost immediately an Undead Warrior will appear. The only thing that will do him in is the Holy Water. So THROW HOLY WATER AT WARRIOR and you've gotten rid of your last monster! (Well, almost.) After searching the area thoroughly, find the Arch, and ENTER ARCH. Now TURN HOURGLASS and time will start moving. Head SOUTH until you you are in the Battleground Under Arch. If time stops moving before you get where you're going, just TURN HOURGLASS again. Now just WAIT as a battle takes place before your eyes. Prince Foo will show up wearing a magnificent helmet. Eventually a black rider will show up, cut off the Prince's helmet (with his head still in it), and it will roll into a ditch. WAIT until the Prince's horse is killed and falls into the ditch, and then THROW TRUFFLE IN DITCH. You can't take anything out of this time line, but you want to mark the place. Now TURN HOURGLASS again and go back NORTH. Keep going past the Plaza (your own time) until you reach Desolation Under Arch. The description will tell you that the earth is loose and charred. Stop there, and when the sands stop running through the hourglass, just WAIT. Eventually the Minx will get the idea and start digging for the Truffle. Let her eat it, and GET HELMET THEN WEAR IT. Your intelligence will go up. Now TURN HOURGLASS again and head south to Plaza Under Arch, and you're back where you started. LEAVE ARCH (magic won't work under it) and GET MINX. Now use Recall to get home. We're about ready for the endgame now. Sell everything you have except Honing, Protection, and Gating. Now use Gating for a shortcut. Once you're in the Ethereal Plane, find your way to Above Town and go through the curtain. You'll be in the Weapon Shop. Sell the Arrow and the Club to the woman. Buy the Scabbard and WEAR IT. Buy the Sword and WIELD IT. Now use Gating again and make your way southward to Above Seaport and enter the curtain to the Boutique. Here you want to buy the Plate Mail and the Cloak. WEAR THEM and then use Recall to get back to the Magick Shoppe. Once there ASK WOMAN ABOUT everything you've bought. She'll tell you some interesting things. Now use Honing and Protection to reinforce your armor and weapon. GET BLACK HEMISPHERE AND WHITE HEMISPHERE. Now ATTACH BLACK HEMISPHERE TO WHITE HEMISPHERE. You'll end up with a Gray Sphere. LOOK IN GRAY SPHERE and (if your Intelligence is 80%) you'll see a warlock standing before a rock wall with a word written on it. Write down the word. Now sell the sphere to Y'Gael. We're ready for the endgame! BEYOND ZORK Endgame All you need to carry for the endgame is the rabbit's foot, clover, horseshoe, lamp, and jar. Make sure you are wearing the helmet, amulet, ring, scabbard, plate mail, and cloak. You should be WIELDING the longsword. You should have used Honing on the longsword and Protection on your Armor. In addition, you should have drunk the potions of Might, Enlightenment and Healing. You should also have LICKED THE GOBLET and EATEN MORGIA ROOT. You must also have 50% Compassion. At this point your stats should be at LEAST this high: Endurance: 55 Strength: 39 Dexterity: 32 Intelligence: 80 Compassion 50 Luck: 30 Armor: 99 You can sell everything else possible. Make sure you've drunk all the potions that will help you first. Now we're ready to go. Make your way to Mizniaport. Remember there were TWO rock walls you found. The one near Mizniaport is in shadows and it won't do you any good, so ignore it. The other one was west of where you found the Minx, so back to the Skyway. Take a gondola ride and make your way to the Rock Wall. Once there say the word you saw in the sphere, then OPEN DOOR and SAVE the game! You're about to do something NOBODY has ever done before! Make your way into the cave. The first room will be lit by sunlight from outside. Go to the next room where it is dark. You will be given your usual warning about being eaten by a Grue. Fear not! If you have done everything I told you, you should have the maximum strength and dexterity and you're ready to KILL A GRUE! Once you're in the dark just WAIT a turn or two and you'll feel a presence lurking in the room. Use your ATTACK MONSTER key and you should vanquish the unseen grue. WAIT again and another one will lurk into the room. Repeat this procedure until you've killed THREE GRUES! (even though you didn't really SEE them!) Now go back to the room with light. You can make life a lot easier by defining a function key to read "Dip circle then blow circle" (plus return). Now OPEN JAR THEN GET CIRCLE. Now BLOW CIRCLE and a mirror will appear. You need to reflect the light coming from outside into the rooms because your lantern won't work here. You can reflect the light similar to the way a pool ball bounces. The diagram below should show you what to do. In the diagram L=where the light source is, M=mirror, D=dark room that you're going to illuminate. The dotted line shows the way the light will be reflected: M / \ / \ / \ D L In the above diagram the light is in the southeast room, the Mirror is pointing south and the light is reflected southwest. In each room you will have to DIP CIRCLE THEN BLOW CIRCLE and then TURN MIRROR XXXX. You may come to a room where the sunlight is reflected straight through the room and you won't have to make a mirror there. Just to make things interesting, along the way you will encounter three LuckSuckers who will drain your luck. Each time you encounter one of them, THROW one of the lucky charms you have at them and they will disappear. They may also bump into your mirrors and break them; so you may have to go back and rebuild one or two. Once you have dispatched the three Lucksuckers, you're almost home free! A WORD OF WARNING! Don't enter the final room until you've taken care of all three Grues and all three Lucksuckers! If you do, one of your mirrors may break while you're in the final room and you will probably be out of luck. You have a limited amount of time left once the Ur-Grue sees you, and chances are when you return from repairing a mirror, he'll destroy you as soon as you re-enter the Treasure Chamber. When you reach the Treasure Chamber, read the description carefully. The Ur-Grue is lurking in a corner of the room obscured by shadows. Make one more mirror and reflect the light into that corner. He'll grab you by your neck and begin throttling you, but if you've done everything right, your Compassion will drain into him and destroy him! Now, TAKE ALL, and as you sift through the mound of treasure the Coconut will roll out. TAKE COCONUT and begin making your way out of the caves. The mirrors will start popping. You can use the lamp if you wish, but since you've killed all the Grues, you can just make your way out in the dark! It's probably the only time you'll be able to do this in the G.U.E., so have fun! Chances are you won't quite make it out of the cave before the earthquake hits. Don't worry about it. You'll wake up under the tender care of Y'Gael and the cook and the artist. You'll be on a boat that looks strangely familiar, and you'll read the words designed to instill hope and exhilaration in all Adventurers: "Better go below and take a nap -- YOU'LL NEED IT!" A WORD ABOUT THE SCORE There is a difference in the way various versions of BEYOND ZORK report the scores. If you are playing Version 57 or higher, the highest rank you can achieve according to Infocom is LEVEL 0 NOVICE. However, this walkthru resulted in my getting a score reported as LEVEL 1 NOVICE. You can only achieve this rank by dispatching all the monsters, including three Grues, three Lucksuckers, and the Ur-Grue. In Versions earlier than 57 the highest rank that will be REPORTED is LEVEL 8 PEASANT. You will get this rank whether or not you have dealt with the three Grues. BEYOND ZORK is published by Infocom, Inc. and distributed by Activision, Inc. This walkthru is copyright (c) 1988 by Merlin. All rights reserved.